
my digital heart-locketribbon print (ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)♡⟢ .゚crystal pink, tea colored hair, rose quartz, blushy cheeks, sweet scents, ribbons and dreamlike fluttery lashes."the moonlight is a message of love..."

adorables the moon, jfashion, it girls, creating pretty things, runway shows, girl groups, miniskirts, decogal pixels, sanrio, old films and other media, the spring equinox.♡ liz lisa, la ♥︎ pafait, miu miu, shushu/tong, fanci club, vivienne westwood and sandy liang.

note: spam liking & rb is okay just not too much please (only on side blog!) do not interact if you are an nsfw, ed or sh acc please & thanks.find me: main blog ୨୧ twitter


cr @aicoholdrink